Design & Visual Storytelling...


Aim for the Moon…


Welcome and thanks for stopping by!

You've just dived into a world where creativity meets clarity, and imagination sparks problem-solving. I'm Steve, an Art Director, Artist, and Writer (each fuelling the other), passionately weaving stories through various mediums, be it print, digital, or experiential, specialised in the fields of Media, Film, TV, Music, Health & Fitness, Youth.

Inspired by the philosophy of content shaping form (a nod to Stephen Sondheim), my approach is intuitive, perhaps a trait inherited from my Irish seanchaí* ancestors. It's about listening with empathy, peeling back layers to reveal the core of a story or concept, and fostering unique, tailored solutions – a practice I've honed over two decades.

Under my moniker, Phorestt Phyre**, I strive to create bespoke experiences, resonating with the uniqueness of each project and the moments they encapsulate. As an experienced storyteller, my aim is to amplify diverse voices and concepts across all sectors, making every journey with me distinct and memorable.

The future holds endless stories, and I'm excited at the prospect of bringing yours to life. Let's collaborate and make something extraordinary together.


*Seanchaí: A Gaelic term for a traditional storyteller, known for their tales of drama, mythology, and a sprinkle of mischief.

**Phorestt Phyre: A creative blend symbolising growth, inspiration, and my love for music, especially hip-hop's lyrical ingenuity. It's a unique twist borne out of necessity – the original spelling for my site was already taken!

Marketing / Promotional / Branding / Campaigns / Logo Design / Typography / Illustration / Painting / Sculpting / Wood Carving / Printing / Sewing / Photography / Retouching / Image Manipulation / Creative Solutions / Reports / Data Presentation / Advertorial Design / Editorial Design / Books / Exhibition / Experiential / Wayfinding / Display / Digital / Pitch Decks / Product Development / Product Design / Presentation / Specialist Print Production / Storytelling…